Monday, July 11, 2011


(If ya don't know, now ya know.  Courtesy of The AP)

Robbie Fucking Cano!!!!

Didn't I tell you?  I told you.  I fucking told you!

"He's got the type of smooth, easy swing that I think can translate well to an event like this. He won't tire himself out, and if he gets in a groove, watch out."

And he kept that smooth swing going all night, had plenty left in the tank at the end, and put on a goddamn show!  Dude was so money.  There's no other way to describe it.  He barely even broke a sweat, for crying out loud!  Sure, I was in the middle of literarily drooling over Kate Upton when I called it, but I still fucking called it tonight.  I am a genius.  And Robbie Cano is a truckstick.

(How do more people not read my shit?!?!  It's G-O-L-D.)

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