I dropped a line about this on the AB4AR Page earlier this afternoon (hint, hint, "Like" that shit), but it definitely warrants its own post.
Cash was on "Boomer and Carton" this morning, a show I really miss and stupidly forget to put on every single morning when I get to the office, and he had some very interesting things to say about Joba's rehab. Apparently, not only is Joba well ahead of schedule coming back from both TJS and his ankle surgery, but somewhere along the way he managed to transform back into the 21/22-year-old version of himself:
“Joba’s out of control. The stuff he’s featuring is remarkable. He’s as high as 100 but upwards consistently 96, 97, 98. He looks really good...
So yeah, he’s due back here shortly. I mean, the worst-case scenario would be the first week of August, but he should be here ahead of that."
What's that you say? Joba sitting upper 90s with the heater again?
/checks Fangraphs
Why he hasn't done that since 2007! Sounds like we got us a little Henry Rowengartner situation here. This is great news indeed! And it will be even better if he's still throwing that kind of smoke when he returns to the bullpen in the near future. Say he's stupid for getting on the trampoline, say he's underachieved as a Yankee, say the Yankees should make him a starter again. Say whatever you want about Joba. But don't say he hasn't worked his ass off to get back this season, and don't say you aren't excited to see him take the mound again for the first time.
Now Joba just needs to get the 3 R's back into his routine and he'll be golden.
2 hours ago