It's time for the annual family vacation to the Jersey Shore, so just to let everybody know, updates and posts to the site will be coming sporadically or maybe not at all over the next week. When I have time and I have something to write about, I'll sit down and post. But don't expect anything super lengthy unless I get a lot of rain. I'll be spending the majority of my time chilling at the beach, owning people in mini golf, and drinking beer.
But there are a few things I will get off my chest now before moving on:
- This 6-man rotation bullshit has to stop. It's screwing up CC's rhythm and there's no sense in sacrificing your best pitcher's routine and command to appease the other older/not as effective guys.
- The odd man out, pending Hughes' outing tonight, should be A.J. Burnett. Cash can say whatever he wants, but the numbers don't lie. A.J. is one of the worst starters in the AL, and isn't getting it done right now. I don't care what they do with him, but he shouldn't be in the rotation right now.
- As much as I loved how Joe managed the team in '09, that's how much I hate what he's done since then. The constant bunting, the continued mismanagement of his bullpen, specifically Boone Logan, and the frustrating way that he always seems to either leave a starter out for a batter too long or take him out a batter too soon. About the only good thing he's done this year is sit Jorge, and even that took too long.
So there you go. Keep checking the site and maybe I'll have some comments on the games this week, since I now have access to YES being back on the east coast. Enjoy your week, everybody. I know I will.
What if there was only one baseball?
1 hour ago