Might actually take a step up in the world of blogging this weekend. No I'm not talking about IIATMS/TYA's re-affiliation with ESPN, although that doesn't hurt either. I'm talking about finally buying a real, legitimate computer chair for my apartment. I do the bulk of my blogging from the office but I do some writing at my apartment and a lot of research there and almost everything I post on the weekends is done from there. And I do it all from this old, heavy, practically antique chair that I got from my parents' friends when I first moved out to Wisconsin. It was fine at first, when I was still in my mid-20s and in reasonable shape, but now that I'm old(er) and fat(ter) it's a nightmare to sit in. My back starts to hurt after a while, my legs start to ache after 30-40 minutes, it's horrible. So one of the big things on the weekend to-do list is to get my ass to an Office Max or something and try out some nice computer chairs because I'm to the point where I need some support and some ergonomic goodness and I almost can't take myself seriously as a blogger still writing from that chair. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, el duque of It Is High... criticized MLB's continued efforts to become more like the NFL and screw the Yankees in the process.
- On Tuesday, Greg Corcoran of Bronx Baseball Daily profiled pseudo-prospect Peter O'Brien. If he starts to show some better contact/average skills and cuts down on the whiffs, he could be legit.
- Chad Jennings of LoHud ran through the long list of concerns tied to the Yankees' internal starting pitchers to illustrate how important it is that they sign Tanaka.
- Grant Graulich of Yanks Go Yard listed his top 10 worst Yankee free agent signings of the last 25 years.
- On Wednesday, SJK of NoMaas went to the career number comparisons to show how egregious it was that Mike Mussina only got 20.3% of the HOF vote. He's not wrong, but I'm not as surprised as other people are that Moose got hosed that badly.
- Mike Axisa of RAB analyzed the new projected starting lineup and the return of patience and count working skills that should come with it.
- On Thursday, Jason Cohen of Pinstripe Alley compared Eduardo Nunez's 2014 projections to 2013 league average production to see how he stacks up as a backup plan at third base. Spoiler alert, not well.
- Derek Albin of Pinstripe Pundits continued his evaluation of Cash's free agent history with a look at how he's done signing first basemen and DHs.
- On Friday, Domenic Lanza of IIATMS/TYA visually displayed the significant improvement to the Yankee offense for 2014. Even without Cano, that's a helluva lot better than last season.
- Bryan Van Dusen of The Greedy Pinstripes wondered if CC Sabathia can rebound in 2014 in response to CC's declaration that he's figured things out.
Little Smashing Pumpkins for this week's jam. Could not believe how many live versions of "X.Y.U." there are on YouTube but not a single decent album version. Whatever. We'll do it live, fuck it!!
Enjoy your weekends, everybody.
Marcus Stroman, and grounds for divorce
2 hours ago