The end of the season is bringing out some good stuff from the best in the biz. Let's take a hot lap around the Yankosphere.
- It's never too early to start heating the stove up, and
Jon Heyman does just that with this tweet making the Yanks out to be the early favorites for C.J. Wilson. I'll withhold my comments on Wilson for now.
- This was from Sunday's NY Post, but it's Joel Sherman
stating what he thinks the Yankees' offseason needs are. I can get on board with the "more lefties" theory, but Beltran for 3 years at 40-something mil instead of Swish for 1 at 10 and change? No thanks.
- William at The Captain's Blog with a
little dose of reality/perspective for the crowd still booing A-Rod for making the last out of the ALDS. Newsflash, it's happened before, people.
- Vizzini at NoMaas takes a similar stance in response to the Sherman piece,
reminding everyone that immediately wanting to change up the roster is stupid. Check out the entire series of "ALDS Thoughts" at
NoMaas. Always good stuff coming from those guys.
- I'm just going to link straight to the
LoHud homepage so you can peruse through their "Moving Forward" series on your own. Expect to see the earliest hot stove news coming from there soon.
- Brien at IIATMS seems to agree with me
that Joe was horrible in the ALDS. Well, at least that makes 2 of us who think so.
- Buster Olney at The Worldwide Leader had some early details on the contract talks between the team and Cash, and early indications are that
things are moving ahead nicely.
- Lord Duggan at Pinstripe Alley uses the CC situation to point out
the flaws in inking big FA pitching contracts. There's something all Yankee fans should be familiar with.
- Steve S. at TYA
breaks down the whole Swish situation, painting a pretty convincing picture for why he needs to be the RF in 2012.
- Speaking out painting pictures, Joe Paw at RAB does just that in
this piece about what the Yankees should/shouldn't do with Jesus Montero. There really isn't anything more to say about that story after reading Joe's post. If it ain't for King Felix, then there's no reason to even think about trading The Jesus.