Monday, May 17, 2010

This Guy Is Ready For Yanks-Sox Tonight

Are you?

I mean sure he's a complete freakshow and probably has no clue what the hell is going on in whatever game it was in which he was cheering/spazzing out this wildly.  But at least he's wearing a legit Red Sox jersey, not those green and pink abortions that everybody else in Fraud Sox Nation tries to pull off.

I'm just kidding.  This guy is a complete jackass.  Yelling and screaming wildly like it's Game 7 while his team continues to stumble its way to an 83-79 season.  Good luck with that, bro.

Fuck that guy, fuck the Red Sox, and fuck the rest of their lamesauce fanbase.  Give me the bleacher creatures doing the Yankee roll call and Freddy Sez the frying pan guy all day.

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