Going to a wedding tomorrow, my one and only wedding of this calendar year. Already had it confirmed that the ceremony will include a full Catholic mass, which will be agony, and it has not been confirmed if the reception is open bar. Full disclosure, I'm not planning on ever getting married or having kids, at least not any time in the foreseeable future. But it just seems to me that if you're going through that whole wedding rigmarole and you don't have an open bar at the reception, you're an asshole. Yes, that's a huge unfair blanket statement and it does not factor in a litany of legitimate reasons why some couples can't/wouldn't have an open bar. I still stand by it. If your wedding reception isn't open bar, your wedding sucks. It's that simple. I don't care if Mastodon is the wedding band. It still sucks. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, Chris Mitchell and Derek Albin of Pinstripe Pundits scored an interview with fringe prospect Rob Segedin, who's out for year with a hip injury.
- On Tuesday, el duque of It Is High... ranted on the lack of consistent offense and lack of real action to improve on the part of the front office.
- SJK of NoMaas perfectly captured Hal Steinbrenner's approach to building and running this year's team in one Photoshop.
- SG of RLYW pointed out the Yankees' losing percentage in games where they give up 2 runs or fewer as more undeniable proof of the offense's shittiness.
- Rob Abruzzese of Bronx Baseball Daily discussed how this season's down year for the farm system could come back to hurt the Yankees in 2014.
- On Wednesday, Michael Eder of IIATMS/TYA mused on the idea of MiL rehab schedules and how the differing approaches to handling them have and could continue to burn the Yankees this season.
- On Thursday, Michael Brown of Pinstriped Bible examined Vernon Wells' recent turnaround and how real it actually is.
- Brian Heyman of LoHud had the details on Travis Hafner's pitching machine snafu and comments from Pronk on his struggles.
- Matt Warden of RAB came through with round 4 of his "Potential 2013 Trade Targets" series. I suppose it's time for me to start hopping on that train now too, huh?
- On Friday, Alex Belth of Bronx Banter had a perfect visual comparison for the tension in Yankeeland surrounding Derek Jeter's quad situation. "Watchmen" references will always get you on the Palooza.
- Daniel Burch of The Greedy Pinstripes laid out his plan for the trade deadline. Some of the moves make sense in theory, but judge for yourself.
This Friday's jam is "The Key To Gramercy Park" by Deadsy. I remember seeing these guys open for KoRn when I was 16 and thinking they were going to be a big deal, even though the lead singer tried wearing a stage mic similar to the one in the video and it didn't work at all. A synth rock fronted by the son of Cher and Gregg Allman that sounded like a Double-A version of Orgy not making it? Who could have seen that coming?? As you can probably guess, 16-year-old me was not a professional music critic. I still stand by this song and Deadsy's second album though. Pretty good stuff.
Enjoy your weekends, everybody. It'll probably be a slow one here for most of Saturday and Sunday.
NYY vs. PIT/TB: Split-squad
2 hours ago
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