Did everybody get everything they wanted out of the GM meetings? Good, great, grand, wonderful. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, Greg Corcoran of Bronx Baseball Daily profiled Aaron Judge, the last of the 3 2013 1st round picks. He's easily one of the most intriguing players in the entire system going into next season.
- On Tuesday, Chad Jennings of LoHud discussed all the problems the Robinson Cano contract situation is causing and could continue to cause the Yankees this offseason. Lotta moving parts and they all revolve around Robbie.
- On Wednesday, Vizzini of NoMaas made a case for signing Corey Hart, a name hardly seen around the Yankosphere or MSM hot stove coverage this offseason.
- EJ Fagan of IIATMS/TYA mused on the idea of pulling back the reins a bit on the offseason aggression and taking a more rebuild-based approach. That wouldn't make a lot of fans happy, but what it could set up for the future would be tremendously beneficial.
- El duque of It Is High... pointed out the early signs of the Robinson Cano media smear campaign as talks between he and the team draw closer.
- On Thursday, Mike Axisa of RAB commented on the Yankees' need to improve their rotation next year and why it would be a good idea to try to add more than just the 400 innings Cash mentioned on the free agent market.
- On Friday, Tanya Bondurant of Pinstripe Alley discussed the Yankees' facial hair policy and whether it's become outdated in response to Brian Wilson's beard being the reason he won't sign with New York this offseason. My take, it absolutely is and it should be scrapped.
/has a beard
- Derek Albin of Pinstripe Pundits profiled Oakland A's shortstop Jed Lowrie as a new trade target.
- Daniel Burch of The Greedy Pinstripes completed another all-time team exercise, this time assembling the all-time homegrown Yankee team.
Going with a little Wu-Tang this Friday, "Triumph" off their second album. Pretty sure this was the video with the computer animated swarm of killer bees flying around.
Enjoy your weekends, everybody.
Today on Pinstripe Alley - 3/14/25
1 hour ago
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