Friday, February 10, 2012

The New York Mets Are Absolutely Pathetic

If you're a regular reader of AB4AR, you know by now that the Mets are one of my favorite punching bags.  I like to take shots at them and break balls about how crappy they've been, and generally it's all meant to be funny and joking.  But this story from earlier in the week by Howard Megdal of The Journal News and the LoHud Mets Blog, describing how he was denied media credentials by the Mets, is the epitome of classlessness on the part of the Wilpons and the latest, and strongest, example of just how awful that organization is.

Basically what it boiled down to was Megdal writing a book about the Wilpons and all the shit they were in after the Madoff scandal that was published in December.  The Wilpons weren't fans of what Megdal had to say in his book, despite the fact that he reached out to the organization multiple times during the writing process and spoke to members of the organization as part of his reporting for the book, and so they decided to stiff him on his clubhouse credentials for the 2012 season.  This message was passed along by Jay Horowitz, who when asked by Howard why he wasn't going to be issued credentials, said that the Mets simply, "don't like his reporting."

Now I don't know Howard personally, and I only know about this story because it was brought to my attention by one of my fellow TYA writers in an email yesterday.  But from everything I can gather from people who do know him and are familiar with his work, he is a good dude, a diehard Mets fan, and a damn good reporter.  To have his credentials taken away by the Wilpons because of the book, which has never had its content questioned and has actually been supported a few times in other stories by the likes of the New York Times and ESPN, is a petty, cowardly, childish, unprofessional act that shows the type of people the Wilpons are and reinforces all the negative talk that has surrounded their time as the owners of the Mets.  It's also downright un-American.  It's Nazi-like.  You don't like somebody calling you out for the shitty job you're doing?  THEN DO A BETTER JOB!!!  Don't take the coward's way out and deny the guy the ability to do his.

Howard Megdal is a reporter for a legitimate news outlet, so he has to bite his tongue on this whole issue and stick to the PC comments he made on the matter.  I write a dinky little blog, so I don't have that problem.  On behalf of Howard, I'd just like to say "fuck you" to Fred and Jeff Wilpon.  You're slimy, dirty, pathetic, creepy, lying crooks who have managed to turn what was one of the better teams in the National League into an absolute joke of an organization.  And in the process of doing so, you've spit in the eyes of everybody who cares about your team- the fans, the media, the players, the coaches, the team alumni, everybody.  Howard Megdal's only crime was being good at his job and reporting the truth, two things that you know nothing about and never will.  If it weren't for you relationship with Bud Selig, you would have been out on your asses a long time ago, and I can only hope that things continue to spiral downward for you to the point that you are forced out, because that's the only chance the Mets organization has to crawl out of the shitheap you've dumped it in.

I don't say this often, but today I can say with 100% honesty and no sarcasm that I feel sorry for all you Mets fans out there.  And I feel sorry for Howard Megdal and the bullshit hand he's been dealt by those sleazeballs.  You all deserve better.

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