One week ago today:
"It's hard to argue with the decision to play Solarte ... but why Roberts? He's hitting .200/.250/.267 against left-handed pitching, as a right-handed hitter, and only .222/.321/.292 overall. He isn't hitting from either side of the plate against pitchers throwing with either hand and he's proven to be below-average at second by most statistical defensive measures (obligatory SSS disclaimer). What has he done to earn more regular playing time against left-handed pitching or in general over Johnson?"
Since that post:
5 games played, 7-20, 1 HR, 2 RBI, 3 R, 1 SB, season batting line up to .250/.327/.337
So yeah, the only explanation for this turnaround is that Brian Roberts is a regular AB4AR reader, saw my post about him and Kelly Johnson, saw me chirping him for playing like crap, and decided it was time to start playing. What other possibility could there be? No need to thank me, it's all part of the job. I'm just glad I could do my part and glad that the AB4AR jinx worked in reverse for a change.
NYY News: Schmidt Scratched
2 hours ago
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