Another week has come and gone in Yankeeland and this one finds the Bombers on the doorstep to the top of the division, where they rightfully belong, again. I'm hopeful that I can get to watch at least one of the Subway Series games this weekend. I'll probably get screwed on Saturday with FOX's dumb regional lineup nonsense, and if I can't find anything on the tube on Sunday, some poor bar patrons in my area are going to have to suffer through 3+ hours of me screaming at a silent TV for the final game. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, fishjam25 of Yankees Fans Unite wondered if Phil Hughes' recent turnaround means he's finally started to figure it out as a starter.
- William Tasker of IIATMS looked back at Mel Stottlemyre and his incredible 1964 season. Definitely a must-read if you aren't familiar.
- On Tuesday, el duque of It Is High... made his case for why the Yankees should jump at the opportunity to sign Jorge Soler before they lose the chance with the new rules kicking in. He called him "Jose Soler," so that's a problem, but I can dig the logic.
- Joe Pawlikowski of RAB commented on the increasingly frustrating team inability to hit with RISP.
- Next Level Ballplayer scored an interview with Mason Williams and got him to talk about how he's worked on his swing and approach since turning pro.
- On Wednesday, William Juliano of The Captain's Blog looked back through Andy Pettitte's career numbers to show just how good he's been since coming back.
- On Thursday, Lisa Swan of Subway Squawkers commented on the recent anti-StubHub stance the Yankees have taken and how ridiculous it is that tickets for the upcoming Subway Series are being discounted.
- Greg Corcoran of Bronx Baseball Daily analyzed the different MiL promotional strategies and how they work best for different players.
- Speaking prospects, Suzanne Bange of NYY Universe got a few Twitter Q's & A's in with Cito Culver.
- Andrew GM of Pinstripe Alley mused on David Phelps' role and what the Yankees should do with him. I already touched on this a couple weeks ago, but it's still a point worth bringing up.
- Mike Eder of TYA, and resident PITCHf/x wizard, broke down Andy Pettitte's brilliant start against Tampa the other night to show just how he managed to be so dominant.
- On Friday, Josh Thomson, subbing for Chad at LoHud, gathered some quotes from players about the lack of sizzle that this weekend's Subway Series has. That's never good the hear from the guys who are going to be competing, but whatever.
We're getting grimy, gross, and grungy today for the Friday Jam. When I was sitting around at my folks' house last Friday killing time before bar hopping with my buddy, while the rest of my family worked like suckers, I caught Soundgarden's performance at Lollapalooza 2010 on Palladium (great station, pisses me off that I don't have it), and it reminded me how much I love Soundgarden. Nirvana gets all the credit, but IMO Soundgarden and Alice in Chains were far superior bands. So here's a little ditty from Chris Cornell and the boys to dampen your mood if you're having a really good Friday.
Enjoy your weekends, everybody.
NYY news: Schmidtty, Schmidtty Bang(ed) Bang(ed)
6 hours ago
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