I got nothing today. I'm just looking forward to hanging out on the couch in my sweatpants all day tomorrow watching college basketball and the Blackhawks-Penguins outdoor game. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, Mike Axisa of RAB previewed the Yankees' power guys and laid some groundwork for their expected power outputs this season.
- On Tuesday, Andrew Mearns of Pinstripe Alley looked for comparisons to gauge how much bang for their buck the Yankees should expect to get from the Brett Gardner extension.
- Michael Montrone of Yanks Go Yard dished his 10 bold predictions for the 2014 Yankee season.
- Chad Jennings of LoHud got Joe and Brian McCann's takes on MLB's new collision rules. Love anything that serves to keep McCann from getting more dinged up.
- El duque of It Is High... wondered if Tuesday's ST opener lineup could have beaten one of last year's regular season lineups. That could actually be a really fun game to play this spring.
- On Wednesday, Chris Mitchell of Pinstripe Pundits searched for accurate comps to J.R. Murphy.
- On Thursday, Greg Corcoran of Bronx Baseball Daily unveiled his top 50 Yankee prospects list for 2014.
- Vizzini of NoMaas liked the idea of pursuing a Rickie Weeks trade if Milwaukee is interested.
- Michael Eder of IIATMS/TYA examined the Diamondbacks' young infield players to see if they match up as potential trade partners.
Going with a little Nirvana for this Friday's jam. I listened to "In Utero" beginning to end the other night and I had forgotten how great that album was. "Nevermind" gets all the glory because it's what made them big and ushered grunge into the mainstream, but IU is the better album and anybody who knows grunge and music in general would tell you that.
Enjoy your weekends, everybody.
An Above Average Haiku Tuesday ~ HEAL, BABY, HEAL Edition !
13 minutes ago
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