Monday, April 26, 2010

Joe Still Can't Make Up His Mind

Early reports from the team hotel this morning indicate Joe Girardi couldn't decide what he wanted for breakfast this morning. He first told the waitress he wanted bacon and eggs, but then thought about it and switched to sausage and eggs.

He walked over to her 10 minutes later and thought about changing back to bacon and eggs, but stopped before he could get there and decided to stick with the sausage. 10 minutes later, after he finally decided to take 3 creamers in his coffee instead of 2, Joe got his breakfast delivered to his table only to have Kendry Morales come over and smack the whole plate out the window before Joe could pick up his fork.

Thank God Morales won't be at The White House today to cut the line and be the first to shake hands with Barry O. Although I wouldn't be shocked to find out Joe invited Morales anyway since he spent the whole weekend trying to make Kendry as comfortable and successful as possible.

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