So here's the deal for this weekend. The family is in town, we're going to all 3 Yanks-Brewers games at Miller Park, and in between the games I'll be spending the bulk of my time entertaining them. As a result, the content on the site will be pretty light this weekend, possibly nothing more than game recaps. If I have time to post anything more than that, I will, but expect it to be a slow weekend at AB4AR and things to get back to normal on Monday. As for tonight, I couldn't be more excited to see Tanaka pitch live. Tonight's tickets are the best ones I got, so hopefully he gives me my money's worth. I'm setting the over/under for strikeouts at 12. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, William Juliano of The Captain's Blog put the Yankees' early negative run differential through the historical ringer to see what it can tell us about their chances for success going forward this season.
- On Tuesday, Vizzini of NoMaas discussed the team-wide decrease in walks as a possible contributing factor to the uninspiring early offensive production.
- Mike Axisa of RAB mused on how Joe will fit Brendan Ryan into the infield rotation and whether or not he'll utilize Ryan as a late-game defensive caddy for The Captain.
- On Wednesday, Daniel Burch of The Greedy Pinstripes commented on a recent victorious Yankee trade that doesn't get the ink it probably should.
- Andrew Mearns of Pinstripe Alley broke down the SSS numbers to show how the Yankee infield has been limited by the hot-and-cold production of Brian Roberts and Yangervis Solarte.
- El duque of It Is High... pondered the possible outcomes for Derek Jeter's final season based on how he looked in the first month.
- On Thursday, Chad Jennings of LoHud got the scoop on the organizational plan for Manny Banuelos' comeback season from TJS.
- Michael Eder of IIATMS/TYA proposed a rotation switch with Vidal Nuno and Alfredo Aceves and explained why it could give Joe a greater bullpen advantage.
- Chris Mitchell of Pinstripe Pundits explained why the Yankees should move Derek Jeter off of shortstop and suggested an outfield platoon option that could make it possible. It will never happen, but I would support the move if Joe made it.
I'm going back to the QOTSA well for this Friday's jam and with good reason. Went to see them at the Riverside Theater on Wednesday night with the girlfriend and they absolutely brought the house down. Only thing that would have made it better would have been them playing "In The Fade", which was originally on the setlist. Here's a taste of the show with the opener, "You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire".
Enjoy your weekends, everybody. I know I will.
1 hour ago
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