I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to settle in for a long Saturday of college football after missing it for the horse track last week. Now onto the links!
- On Monday, Alex Belth of Bronx Banter put Mo's career greatness on display in graphical form. Really cool stuff to look at, especially the breakdown of saves by catcher.
- William Juliano of The Captain's Blog looked at the slew of disturbing performance trends in 2013 that could lead to even darker days in Yankeeland if changes aren't made.
- Greg Corcoran of Bronx Baseball Daily attempted to predict the 2014 MiL rosters.
- On Tuesday, Derek Albin of Pinstripe Pundits commented on the the disagreement between the Yankees' expected and actual records in 2013, and the impact that may or may not have on the ownership's offseason direction.
- Matt Bove of IIATMS/TYA listed the top 5 issues the Yankees need to address this offseason. Personally I don't think I could have narrowed a list down to just 5, so good on Matt for doing it.
- On Wednesday, Daniel Burch of The Greedy Pinstripes presented the complete list of arbitration-eligible Yankees and offered up his salary predictions for each.
- On Thursday, Vizzin of NoMaas issued his lengthy, and not very optimistic, forecast for 2014.
- Mike Axisa of RAB reset the landscape for Michael Pineda and pointed out how he's just as big a question mark now after 2 missed seasons than he was the minute the Yankees traded for him. That's depressing.
- Jason Cohen of Pinstriped Bible interviewed pitching prospect Shane Greene, who may have had the best under-the-radar season in the Minors. Greene should be showing up on some prospect lists this year.
- On Friday, Chad Jennings of LoHud broke down the A-Rod lawsuit into easier-to-understand legal chunks. Very helpful if you're not in the legal field or just stupid like me.
- Ricky Keeler of Yanks Go Yard pointed out how the rest of the AL East is bypassing the Yankees in terms of talent and overall organizational direction.
- SG of RLYW examined the second base production from the rest of MLB to see what other suitors could be out there for Robinson Cano if the Dodgers are truly out of the running.
This Friday's jam is "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives. Are The Hives still around anymore? These guys were the shizz back in the day.
Enjoy your weekends, everybody.
NYY news: Schmidtty, Schmidtty Bang(ed) Bang(ed)
2 hours ago
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