I don't know what's been rougher (probably not a word), my week at the office or the week the Yankee lineup had at the plate. I'm not quite 3-for-41 with RISP bad this week, but it's been a damn long week. Hopefully everybody else's has been full of sunshine and rainbows. Onto the links!
- On Monday, Brien Jackson of IIATMS commented on Teix's horrible start at the plate and what may need to happen to try to get him fixed. Maybe Teix read this before his 2-4 game that night.
- Chris Carelli of Yanks Go Yard wondered if this dimished version of Teix that we've seen in 2011 and early 2012 is what we should get used to seeing through 2016. Not a comforting thought, but one that has to be considered given Teix's huge statistical declines.
- Nick Fleder of Bronx Baseball Daily used the PITCHf/x-colored glasses to analyze Andy's first start back in pinstripes.
- On Tuesday, Joseph Kringer Jr. of NYY Universe discussed the Yankees' merry-go-round situation with the closer's role since Mo's injury and what it might say about Girardi's thought process.
- On Wednesday, Mike Eder of TYA studied A-Rod's numbers against the fastball to see if declining bat speed is a cause for A-Rod's lack of power this season.
- Frank Campagnola of Pinstripe Alley offered up his own opinions on A-Rod's missing power.
- On Thursday, William Juliano of The Captain's Blog examined the Yankees rotation's high HR rate and what it might mean moving forward.
- El Duque of It Is High... , inspired by the back-to-back (and belly-to-belly) no-shows by the Yanks on Tuesday and Wednesday, listed the 10 most horrific truths about the current state of the Yankees.
- Mike Axisa of RAB looked at Mason Williams' absurd contact rates and low K rates and concluded that he should be promoted to High-A Tampa sooner rather than later.
- Fishjam 25 of Yankees Fans Unite dissected the recent sluggish of the Yankee offense, and the big dip in hitting with RISP and SB that has made them very one-dimensional.
- Eric Schultz of TYA analyzed the numbers on Hiroki Kuroda's early ups and downs to see how a different a pitcher he has (or hasn't) become since transitioning to the AL East.
- On Friday, Lisa Swan of Subway Squawkers was not amused to know that the Mets currently have a better record than the Yankees. I myself am not amused at this either, so thanks for the cruel reminder, Lisa.
- Steve Goldman of Pinstriped Bible got real deep and philosophical on changes. It's pretty heavy, dude, and I'm sure there's some underlying message there about the current state of the Yankees, but being a zombie this morning, I have to admit that I missed it.
We're going back to the hippin' and the hoppin' for the Friday Jam. That new Kanye track is hot fire. Maybe a little G.O.O.D. Music swag will help wake the Yankee bats up.
Don't work too hard this afternoon, people. I know I won't. And enjoy your weekends.
Aging Out at First?
2 hours ago
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