It's probably the fifth or sixth time I've used this headline, but it's been awhile since I've done the Friday linkaround, so F it. Let's get to the links.
- Robbie Clark of Yanks Go Yard discusses the shift in Puerto Rico's international standing within MLB as it relates to a potential international draft.
- William of The Captain's Blog examines Michael Pineda's 2011 pitch selection and how it will serve him moving forward as he develops a change.
- Alex Geshwind of TYA breaks down both Michael Pineda's game and Cash's logic in making the move for Pineda.
- Chip Buck of IIATMS had this interview with Jim Callis a few days ago talking about the Yankee Minor League system. If you somehow missed this, you should slap yourself.
- Also from IIATMS, Brien Jackson runs through the potential solutions to the current overcrowding issue with the rotation. I'm a fan of any of his options that involve A.J. no longer being a Yankee.
- Delia E. of Yankees Fans Unite looks at the arbitration situations of the 3 remaining eligible players and decides whether Martin, Logan, and Gardner should take the deal or not.
- Stephen Rhoads of RAB predicts what the roster and payroll will look like heading into next offseason and how that will impact the Yankees' ability to sign Hamels a/o re-sign C-Grand.
-3460kuri of Pinstripe Alley uses run differential analysis to show why adding Pineda was more important than giving up Jesus.
-And if you were wondering what The Horse has been up to lately when he's not nailing Torrie Wilson, he talked to ESPNDeportes' Alvaro Morales about the upcoming season. No word on whether or not the team will take his plan for a rotating DH into consideration.
NYY news: Schmidtty, Schmidtty Bang(ed) Bang(ed)
6 hours ago
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