Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nawt Tha Yookah!

(Photo courtesy of US Presswire)

 "Oh my fahckin' gawd!  Anothah fahckin' injury and this time it's to ow-ah next most impawtant playah!  How the fahck did he hurt his ankle sweeping dirt awff the fahckin' battah's bawx?!

First we lose Ellsbury, then Jawsh Beckett, then ow-ah beloved Pedroia, then Mahtinez, then 'Tek, then Buchholz, and now fahckin' Yookah too?!?!  We ahh fahckin' cursed.  I swear to fahckin' Gawd, bro!  Fahckin' cursed.

Jahst pray that Yookah has the healing powahs of Wes Welkah!"

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